The Coil Consultant

Determining which Wolf River Coil (WRC) configuration you need is as easy as A, B, C. First, have in mind how you would like to use your WRC.

Step A

What bands and power rating are needed?

40m only
100W SSB
50W CW
20W digital
100W SSB
50W CW
20W digital
200W SSB
100W CW
75W digital
500W SSB
300W CW
100W digital
Use Silver Bullet 1000
Use Silver Bullet Mini
Use Sporty Forty*
Use SB Platinum 1000

*Must use the 213" telescoping whip with Shorty Forty.

Step B

What type of whip will you attach to the WRC?

Nice for SOTA & backpacking
Good for 80-10 with coil
Can use alone for 20-10m or with coil
Needed for mobile
Use 78" telescoping
Use standard 102" telescoping
Use 213" telescoping
Use 102" CB whip

Step C

How will you mount your WRC?

Effective for placing in soil
Good three-legged tripod
More stability with windy conditions
Mount on camera tripod
Mount on a post in ground
Use Mini Pod
Use Mega Pod
Use Camera tripod adaptor
Use the WRC Saber

Mount on your vehicle
Mount on car roof or hood
Order mobile mount elsewhere
Order Tri-mag mount elsewhere

Before you go

Could you use some accessories?

  • You will need at least three radials to form the ground plane for your vertical. We have radial kits.

  • Would you like to quickly QSY? Consider our Dual Collar kit.

  • Some hams like to mount the coil up higher. Look at the Center Loaded Take It Along, or 24" extension accessory.

  • Maybe you would like to use two WRCs for a dipole. Check out the Otophone.

When you are ready to purchase, just go to our Order page. Thanks for the opportunity to serve your ham radio needs.

For sales or other information contact us at

You may also send a text message or leave a voice mail message for us at 920-637-4161.

Our normal phone and email hours are Monday through Friday
8 am to 6 pm Central time.

We can custom design our coils for your particular needs or mounting requirements. Contact us for details.

For International sales, contact us for shipping cost.